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Team Building

What is team work?
Svake godine neka sportska reprezentacije ili ekipa pokažu nam da skup najboljih i najplaćenijih pojedinaca ne obezbeđuje najbolji rezultat. Sve tajne uspeha svode se na isti odgovor, dobar timski duh, vredan rad i međusobno poverenje. U trci sa vremenom i nagomilanim prioritetima organizacije ne stižu da se bave same sobom, zato je dobro povremeno izdvojiti se i napraviti nešto što
će stvarno biti team building.
How is it implemented?
Team building is led by experienced managers and creative individuals (directors, actors, screenwriters, choreographers, etc.) who have collaborated for a long time and are trained to execute complex forms of events. The essence of these events is to achieve a meaningful goal under time pressure, where each individual has a role upon which the entire team depends.
How is it paid?
The introductory meeting and the first session are free of charge. All subsequent sessions are paid for at the end of the month, based on the number of sessions that have been held. The cost of a session depends on the level of expertise of the coach/mentor and the total number of sessions conducted during the month (the total number of sessions is calculated at the company level).
Who Leads the training?
The team is isolated at a pre-prepared location. At the beginning, the goal and the method of implementation are explained. Participants are divided into teams (aiming to improve teamwork), each individual is assigned a role, and expert facilitators assist individuals in navigating their tasks more effectively. The team begins to homogenize when they realize that the task is interesting and that other teams might outperform them. The service has no price; the effects are always greater than the money invested.

Boško Đorđević
Director, theater manager, creator and organizer of theater festivals, directed plays, directed and led the opening of the Belgrade University Games, founder and organizer of the GamesCon festival.

Marko Mak Pantelić
Actor, participant in learning and memory development programs at Mensa Serbia, memory discipline trainer, assistant on the TV project "Super People," initiator and organizer of the humanitarian campaign "Kilometer of Hair," and sports journalist.

Boris Projović
Author of the memory and learning system, member of Mensa Serbia, coordinator for learning and memory development at Mensa Serbia, active military personnel, memory discipline trainer, and assistant on the project "Super People."