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Development of managerial skills

How do we see it?
The concept of management has been known for a long time. As in any other profession, certain skills are necessary for efficient work.
We have focused solely on those managerial skills that we consider particularly important and for which the demand is much greater than the supply.
Public speaking and effective presentation
Public speaking and effective presentation are “shortcuts” for faster and easier management of an organization. Statistics show that the fear of public speaking is one of the most common and intense, which is why many top experts never share the knowledge they have acquired. This training is a “springboard” for achieving great results…
Quick reading
Some professions require a lot of reading before the next action can be taken. Some people simply don’t like to read. These techniques help us significantly speed up the reading process without reducing quality. Participants of this training often say that they have increased their reading speed by up to five times…
Quick memory
In an era where the pace of change has reached unimaginable speeds, there is no doubt that much more knowledge is necessary. These skills help us quickly focus, identify the things we want to remember, and store them in memory for easy recall when needed. These techniques are also used by competitors in speed memorization, and the achievements are remarkable—they manage to remember hundreds and thousands of different pieces of information…
Public speaking and effective presentation are “shortcuts” for faster and easier organizational management. Statistics show that the fear of public speaking is one of the most common and intense, which is why many top experts never share the knowledge they have gained. This training serves as a “springboard” for achieving great results…
NLP in business
For those encountering this strange term for the first time, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), let us clarify that it is neither a cult nor an empty invention, but rather a comprehensive approach to communication and motivation aimed at helping people better utilize their capacities. For those familiar with NLP, we emphasize that we focus on the application of NLP in sales, human resources, and general management of teams and individuals. The practical tools provided by NLP greatly assist in achieving better business results…
Team work/Team Building
Every year, some sports team or representative demonstrates to us that a collection of the best and highest-paid individuals does not guarantee the best result. All the secrets of success boil down to the same answer: good team spirit, hard work, and mutual trust. In the race against time and the piled-up priorities, organizations often don’t have the opportunity to focus on themselves, which is why it’s beneficial to occasionally step back and do something that will truly be team building…
Business simulations/game-based learning
If we say that we are all children and that we all love to play, we haven’t said anything new. Play is an activity that engages the mind, body, and heart simultaneously; it pleases us because it allows us to forget everything else around us and temporarily brings us back to the carefree part of childhood. For this reason, business simulations have an incredible power to teach or make our managers aware of important business matters they tend to avoid, such as business finances, negotiation skills, and quick decision-making, all through play and fun.