A unique event in Adriatic region

Find clients that are the perfect fit for you

Your products will be seen by more than 10 regional retail chains, more than 15 local retail chains, and more than 10 distribution companies.

Conquer new markets

Expand your business to other countries in the Western Balkans and Central Africa

Stay updated with the latest industry news

Discover the latest insights from industry experts: Product branding, Private label (PL) production, and Negotiating with buyers

Event concept

The event concept is specific; manufacturers select potential buyers based on the provided presentations about participants. They have 20 minutes to present themselves. During this time, they need to engage the potential buyer and align on collaboration opportunities. 

Due to the tight timeframe, manufacturers are compelled to be concrete, concise, practical, and appealing. Tastings are, of course, mandatory. 

Given the complexity of the organization, we are able to host 10 regional retail chains, 15 local retail chains, and 10 distributors.

Retail chains

Your products are anticipated by more than 10 regional retail chains, over 15 local retail chains, and more than 10 distribution companies (detailed information is available upon request)


We have also secured over 10 distribution companies for you (detailed information is available upon request) 

Plans and conditions

Available upon request

Executive partners.

Doris Dunon

Mario Ċorak
+385 99 2501 751

Iliya Markov
+359 89 2223301


Albert Włodarczyk
+48 501 464 961

Mr.Fehmi Bilal
+381 64 1318 185